1. celosvetové stretnutie Hrčkovcov / 1st world Hrcka meeting

SK: Michal Hrčka (prevádzkovateľ tejto stránky) spolu s Ivanom Hrčkom sa rozhodli zaoberať myšlienkou zorganizovať 1. celosvetové stretnutie Hrčkovcov v obci Likavka. Postupne vám prinesieme viac informácií. Akékoľvek podnety smerujte prosim na email: [email protected]

EN: Michal Hrka (creator of this site), along with Ivan Hrcka have decided to deal with the idea for the first global meeting of people with Hrcka surename in village Likavka. Gradually we will publish more information. Any suggestions are welcome at: [email protected]

Michal Hrčka

~ Michal is a founder of company (Obnova inc.) that is mostly concerned with restoration and conservation of historical facades, interiors and castles using traditional materials and techniques. ~ In the year 2000 he established an internet magazine about cultural heritage www.obnova.sk, which is the biggest internet medium at this field now. ~ http://hrcka.eu/kontakt/

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