Hrcka in other languages

Surename Hrcka in other languages:

It is little bit funny: translate a surrname :)

Japan: cobe (couple)
Danish: Bulge (balž), worth, wen, knob
Hungary: Csomosi Poland: wenzet, wenzeu?
Spain: Naked
France: Bossete or Boss
Slovak: Tuber
English: nep, tubes
German: Nisse, Noppe, Noppe
Croatian: node, grudva
Norwegian: Lump (read klümp)
Danish: Bulge (read büülge) but it means “wave”

Michal Hrčka

~ Michal is a founder of company (Restoration inc.) that is mostly concerned with restoration and conservation of historical facades, interiors and castles using traditional materials and techniques. ~ In the year 2000 he established an internet magazine about cultural heritage, which is the biggest internet medium at this field now. ~

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