Tagged: book


Unpronounceable surname Hrčka

V knihe Funny Thing about Names Od autora: Jim Wegryn, I found a paragraph about how hard to pronounce name Hrčka. Supposedly it is impossible to express the combination of phonemes. Read more in the preview, or...


Vlastivĕda Moravia – podanných list of 1673

Interesting data I found in the book: Vlastivĕda Moravia, edited by publishers association of museum in Brno year 1914. Dust cover: Citácia z Google Books: Here the list of the submitted 1673, including the...


Book: Removing nests

I stumbled upon interest-wave º book “Removing nests” ½ ch in several paragraphs talking about surnames game I: http://books.google.sk/books?id=5JnqAAAAMAAJ&q=HrÄ ka&dq=HrÄ ka&r =&ei=DKJMS6XsJIvazQT4iN3lCw&cd = 70 Author: John Beno Year: 1982 – 209 Parties