Tagged: Zilina


Matej Hrčka – Divine, A new birch (Žilina) – 1658

On the city website Divina I found an interesting reference to the peasant Matthias lumps of 1658. First, by an act mentions 1658 “… Urbari hradného panští Budatín Urbarium duochodku estate budethinského how the money wage, tak issues...

Internet Resources

http://www.surnameweb.org/registry/h/r/c/hrcka.shtml Hrckovci where they lived in the US in the year 1920: / Where was live a Hrcka people in USA in year 1920.: http://www.ancestry.com/search/SurnameP … =&ln=Hrcka Palo Hrcka http://hrcka.webpark.sk/ Michal Hrcka – harp http://www.obnova.sk, www.obnova.eu, www.spolocnost.obnova.sk...